Sunday, October 5, 2008

Term Insurance: A Necessary Risky Protection

Being covered by an insurance plan from damage or lost of property is a secured way of dealing with the uncertainties of times. Yet, there are insurance that are risky but one has to get them because they are necessary. One of these necessary insurance is term insurance. It pays claims if the premiums are up to date and if the contract is still in effect.

Term insurance last usually not less than a year. Yet, what makes this kind of insurance a risky one is the uncertainty that one will die during the contract. This means that the insurer will not get anything, even the premiums he paid, if the term lapsed.

Inexpensive and Covers a Lot

Nevertheless, term insurance is the most inexpensive means to get a large amount of financial death benefits per premium paid by the user. The financial support it covers are also important not to consider this type of insurance. Term insurance, for one, covers funeral cost, college plans for dependents and dependent care.

Since the payout in term insurance is substantial in case something bad happens to the insurer, the risk is somewhat justified. With just a small amount of premium during the insurance term, the user is assured of relative financial freedom for his dependents in case he dies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Western Digital: The Perfect Hard Drive

This is the coming of age for hard drives. And this is where the Western Digital hard drives come in.

As early as 2003, Western Digital was already giving computer geeks and gamers satisfaction with its Raptor series. These hard drives were synonymous with high performance, speed and class. The first of the series – a 36GB hard drive – set off perfectly with an impressive 10K RPM spindle speed and 16MB buffer size. But Western Digital did not stop there. In the following year, it released 74GB to give more room for storage needs.

As of the present, hard drives of Western Digital still have the same qualities. Their hard drives have the storage capacity as huge as 300GB. They offer high performance in terms of access time, sustained data transfer rates and IOPS.

If that’s not a perfect hard drive, then what is?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Earn by Blogging

Since I’m in the mode of promoting everything that has something to do with blogging and webhosting, I recently found a good way on making bucks out of this hobby everybody is all agog with for the last several years now. The most common question that every individual involved in online activities is how can he squeeze money from what he does on the Internet.

There have been thousands of articles circulating on the World Wide Web trying to answer this question. I myself have stumbled on different remedies offered by those who have been for sometime working in the net.

There are of course big deals of making money online by selling products and services. There are too many writing opportunities that await those who are inclined to make bucks by being commissioned to write web copies and articles and even academic papers for some companies and students.

Now for those who simply enjoy making a post on their blogs, the answer to the question of money seems remote. Nevertheless, pure bloggers need not despair from this seemingly obvious reality.

There is a company who promises to solve this problem for you. This is payperpost. Bloggers now have the opportunity to be paid by merely posting something on their sites.

Check again the cut ads (the whole picture just wouldn’t fit in my sidebar window) and visit their site. Go ahead, there is no harm in trying to be financially-motivated every now and then.

Happy blogging.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coolest Thin Notebook: MacBook Air

Okay, we have heard of this before several months ago when Steve Jobs and company launched it before the overwhelmed public, mostly hyper geeks who could not get enough of what’s new in the store of Apple Computer. Yes, even it has passed several months already MacBook Air still kicks ass in terms of notebook innovations. Thinnovations as the advertorial cry embraced by Apple presents the tinniest of all laptops you can find in the market: just as thick as your index finger.

Got a hold of this magnificent Apple product and quickly there ran a queasy feeling in my stomach that what I could be handling was the most exquisite computer gadget that one can hold now. It is sooooooooo super thin. Throw away that over-used description of portability. What this apple product present is the evolution of an anorexic notebook where everything is designed to fit its thinness.

Everything that you want to find in a notebook is here. If there is a Jaguar in the realm of sleek laptops, MacBook Air is that one. If you don’t want this analogy then just imagine this notebook as his Airness Michael Jordan attacking the basket with its arsenal of graceful innovative offense. Sure win no doubt.

Checklist for Online Home Business

It is not uncommon to hear now that a friend or an acquaintance has an online home business. Everybody so it seems is hooked by the Internet and some people are wise enough to cash-in in this phenomena by building their own online store. This fact is manifested by the rate on how many websites are being built everyday in the World Wide Web. For those who are toying with the idea on how to get a piece of the pie of this online financial windfall, here is a checklist on how to go about this high-tech business right on one’s own home.

Create a Product that Sell Online

The first important aspect of online home business is the product or service one wants to sell to the public. This is why this is called business in the first place. One needs to sell something in the online market. This product or services can be derived from an existing product being sold in a traditional store or may be a hobby one is willing to make money from.

Design and Build an Online Site

Designing and building a site online does not mean one has to create by himself his own space online. This can be done by commissioning web designers to do the dirty work. It must be understood that one’s primary goal is to maintain an online home business not on thinking creatively on how the site would be pleasing to the eyes of net surfers.

Subscribe or Invest on Software that Facilitate Online Payment

Given that one’s business is on the Internet, it is expected that payment for products that are purchased will be online. Many payment software are out in the market that can help online business owners get this aspect smoothened out. There are even sites that get this financial transaction done. Two of the most popular are and

Launch an Online Marketing Promotion

One of the most important things to get a sale and people visiting one’s business site is by effective online marketing. With millions of online stores existing on the Internet, it is difficult or almost impossible to be noticed in the vast virtual space of the Web. Nevertheless, there is one solution to this difficult task of creating traffic in ones site. And this can be done by effective marketing promotion. An example of how to do this is by promoting the site through the use of copies sent to article directories.

If one can follow this simple checklist, one is bound to gain financial success while staying in one’s domicile and having his online home business.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Meditation is what the Common Man Needs

It is already redundant to state that the life of the modern man in the 21st century is one of a stressful and physically draining life. The pace of daily grind during this Information Revolution is too much for the common man to bear. This is the reason why there is a need for meditation to help him sort his life out. Meditation will help him free himself from unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Unknown to many, meditation is easy to practice by which ordinary man can practice without much difficulty. Moreover, unlike the notion that meditation is synonymous with religious belief, it can be practiced by everyone regardless of his social, religious and cultural background and affiliation. Meditation is more than mere religious ritual but rather a lifestyle that is applicable to all people living in this planet. It is a science with methodical system of knowing the identity of man and where he belongs; the same way like the science that we know of that study everything that is external to man to find who he is and where he belongs in reality.

Given that the modern man of the 21st is besieged by never-ending challenge of how to survive in the rat-race setup of this era, his nerves is understandably wreck by all the tasks and responsibilities that never stop to get attention. With this reality, man should seek refuge in meditation, even just for the need to free his physical self from the anxiety and stress of everyday life.

Meditation in the first place has a calming and relaxing effect to its practitioner. Since the mind is taught how to remain still, the physical body follows of learning how to stand still and release negative tensions.

More than this, there are many positive benefits that a practitioner can derive from meditation. One of these is gaining a more focused concentration. Add to this that he discovers for himself that he is more intelligent than he thought he is. From meditation, the individual can harness knowledge and wisdom that is far beyond his previous understanding.

There is also the discovery of creativity within him. Moreover, the ordinary man set on the realization as to what is important to him. This thus creates the ripples that will negate all stress and anxiety from his being.

Thus said, it is with importance and emphasis that man should use the tool called meditation to give him freedom to have a life better than what he has now.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Finding Castaneda’s Ixtlan

I have head before the name of the author and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda from friends and writers whom I usually read in newspaper columns. These people usually attributed Castaneda to the seminal work titled The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. The book, they described, talks about the psychedelic adventure of Castaneda when he came to be a student of a native Indian named don Juan Matus whom he was thought how to experience the use of psychotropic plants like peyote. One way or another, the platitudes about Castaneda and his work made me wonder what the book was really like when reading and what it really presents to the public. For a long time I kept within myself certain curiosity on what Castaneda deals with his works and books.

Unknown to me, the time when I can satisfy my curiosity about Castaneda would come when one day I strolled in a nearby mall and saw a book sale. Without anything to do, I flipped through the pages of some dusty books and scanned without order the spine of the books piled there. Then, lo and behold, the name Carlos Castaneda suddenly sprang up in one of the books and for 25 cents one of his unknown works titled Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan could be had. I quickly shelled up from my pocket the amount, grabbed the book and went to the cashier to pay for it. Upon reaching home, I locked myself up in my room and went on to devour the book anticipating something grandeur, something out of this world, something that would quench my curiosity about Carlos Castaneda.

There was nothing difficult in the text of Carlos Castaneda. The book was written in a clear, succinct narrative style that anybody with an interest in books can easily understand. There in the introduction of Castaneda, he explains how he had been hooked by the oddity of don Juan Matus, notoriously known in the old man’s community as somebody who had lost a screw in his head and showed deviant notion of reality when talk to.

The book is basically a semi-journal on the events that transpired from the perspective of Castaneda when he went under the tutelage of don Juan learning about sorcery and the esoteric wisdom of the native Indians. One lesson after another lesson, Castaneda is thought by the old man about the hidden and mysterious design of reality and on how to become a warrior and achieving this upon finding a worthy opponent. And this don Juan relays to Castaneda in somewhat funny, comical way that the former would deliver in sporadic attacks of laughter that usually would send him almost lying of the floor as he kicked in the air in utter display of astonishment on the naivety of Castaneda.

Throughout the book, Castaneda and don Juan make several journeys into the desert, on the hunt for a worthy opponent and a chance to view the mystical design of the universe. As I have mentioned earlier, the old man is always in a gleeful mood, almost always acting in a funny way and at the same time saying as truthful like this sentence: “…for me the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable; my interest has been to convince you (Castaneda) that you must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world… that you must learn to make every act count, since you are going to be here for only a short while, in fact, too, short for witnessing all the marvels of it.”

If there ever was a book that astonished me beyond the power of words uttered in it, the mysticism of the subject and the different way as to how to see the world, then this book is it. At the same time, Journey to Ixtlan no matter how entertaining and happy don Magus is described, as somebody who has discovered the underlying design of the reality of the universe, is one of the saddest book I have ever read. It is the saddest book I have ever read because along side the gift of knowing the reality of the world there comes along with it the fact that you can no longer return to your own place, to your own city. This is the reason why the book is entitled Journey to Ixtlan. Ixtlan, as a place would still be there, but because your thoughts and experience have brought you to a different level of understanding, the place will no longer be the same old place. The journey to reach it will never end since there is no such thing as return to innocence.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Picking the Right Friends from the Madding Crowd

As we go along our life, we constantly meet different kinds of people. We talk to them, share lunch together, or join them in regular activities like weekend badminton games or movie watching. They most likely have smiles on their faces when they are with us. But the main question is whether we would embrace them as real friends in the truest definition of the term or treat them as mere acquaintances only. Remember our parents, genuinely concerned about our well-being, would remind us over dinner to wisely choose the people we would associate with? Failure to discern who you mingle with will eventually lead you to trouble or worse a miserable life due to bad company.

Yet, how do we spot who are real friends among the crowd that we come across with in our daily grind. How do we find the people who will be there beside us and honestly look after our welfare? The bad news is there are no books that give answers to all questions regarding friendship. Nevertheless, the good news is experience stands as a good ally coupled with common sense and an ounce of gut feel.

Know Thy Self First

Since what we are after are real true friends, we must understand that they are our extension. How many times have we heard the adage: birds of the same feathers flock together. Friends are our chosen family based on our standard emanating from our self-worth. To find real and true friends one first ought to have a notion of one-self. The individual necessarily has to acknowledge these innate prerequisites given about him:

  • He is important and has value – a person must know that no matter what his state in life is, he matters. His views, perspective in life and his whole being is of value.
  • He deserves to be happy – there are no signs anywhere that tells one must be miserable. He deserves all the opportunities by which he can be happy and fulfilled.

If one has already known these basic intrinsic rights, then he can proceed smoothly in identifying the persons whom he can call true friends. By then, it is automatic that he has a notion or a glimpse of what his objectives in life are. Establishing this set of intrinsic rights of his being, he should by then established a good self-esteem and confidence. That he is a ‘valuable cargo’ as one popular author puts it.

When one knows his value in life then it will be easier for him to discern who his real and true friends are. Not knowing one’s importance oftentimes is one of the reasons why an individual hangs out with the wrong set of people.

Signs of Who Your True Friends Are

  • Life is wonderful when you are with them. Life as it is, is sometimes hard and difficult. But once you are with this set of people your problems seem easy to bear and are given solution. Have you noticed that there are people who make you weak and strong? The former are people called energy vampires. They suck your emotional energy by making you miserable one way or the other. The latter are the positive oriented people who are bearer of light. With these people the difficult problems are easy to solve; the impossible problems take time to be given solution.
  • Your perspective are respected and understood. It is of course not always true that you are right about your views and opinions. But with true friends who are after your welfare, what you say has value, respected and understood before given indirect alternative views. When everything you say is always debunked, then these set of people do not treat you as their equals. Better stay away from them lest they imbibe in you that you are worthless.
  • They are more goal-oriented. When you want to achieve something in life, hanging out with this kind of people more or less makes you more focused on attaining your goals. These people talk about action and applying it to their plans. It is better if you hang with them since they understand fully well what is in your head than not. More than that, they can even give moral support to whatever you want to attain.

These are NOT your Friends

  • After hanging out with them, you are more miserable and problematic as before. Time spend with these set of people can be a wondrous kind of experience. You may have had a fine taste of fun. Life can even be construed as wonderful as you mingle with them. But once you are home, you find yourself in state of deeper misery. Your problems are not even solved but even become worse. Better stay out of these set of people; these people are what the cliché says as fair weathered friends.
  • Sowing emotional poison is more of a rule during conversation. When the people you are with talk most of the time about other people and pass on to you harsh criticism and bad gossip about other people inside and outside your circle, you better avoid them like plague. These people suffer in great misery. And what do those experiencing misery are inclined to do? They want company. So they spread emotional poison.

The above list points out several things that you may consider when looking for true friends. You can add more to the list based from your experience. What is important is that you have a set of standard of who you can call as true friends.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Computer Virus and Spywares

Computer Virus and Spywares

The Scourge of Information Technology

The advent of Information Revolution has brought unlimited benefits and advantages to the companies that choose to capitalize on this phenomenon. Company in almost all industries is staging their Information Technology programs to be integrated in their day to day operations. For the last several years, it is estimated that firms in developed countries have an increased of as much as 50% allocated for their Information Technology needs. Nevertheless, the benefits that can be derived from this new technology are being threatened by scourges or various activities done by unscrupulous people.

Two of the main scourges that go along with this technology are the proliferation of viruses and spywares. Viruses are application with the sole purpose of creating havoc in one’s computer or system. It delays the disposal of the company’s product and services. Likewise, the same can be said about spywares. These are programs that hide inside the computer with the intent to disrupt the system operation and steal valuable information.

These application programs run in thousands, scattered all over the Internet. They pose to infect every network user if given the chance. Everyday, new viruses and spywares are launched on the wide world web. They stick to some websites and others can duplicate themselves through email.

Beware of these IT scourges.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Peripatetic Mind

If you are reading this, it is certain that you are familiar with blogsites, and probably have encountered reading a great number of them. You may even be a blogger yourself, maintaining an online journal of your writerly life or just blabbering about the mundane realities of life. There are blogs that exist purely to advertise consumer products, trying to circumvent the usual marketing strategy of selling goods in a specific domain. Yet, there are blogsites that really serve the true purpose of blogging. Try for example the blogsite Peripatetic Mind.

This blogsite tackles the journey of a struggling writer’s life, his dreams, his challenges, his subjective perspective of life in general. Yet, it is with certainty that this blog is all about writing; an attempt to hone the blogger’s writing skills and aptitude in the goal of writing someday a collection of short stories and novels.

So expect that what you would read in this blogsite is about a writer's life -- a journey of a writerly life. One of the purposes of blogging is honing one’s writing skills, and this is Peripatetic Mind’s major purpose. Entries and posts in Peripatetic Mind may dwell about mundane things like how it feels to jog in the morning or the experience of going to the city proper. But definitely the blogsite Peripatetic Mind will talk endlessly about the magic of writing, of books and of good writers.

This kind of blog nowadays is rare to find. Bloggers would usually talk about the drudgery of their pathetic life without specific goals. Here Peripatetic Mind is about reaching a writer’s dream of writing, that true and beautiful meaning of what writing is all about.

If you want to get an intimate experience of knowing a writer’s life, then why not link this blogsite with yours if you have any. If you have none, then just bookmark this blogsite and enjoy the mystical writings and posts in Peripatetic Mind.